Virginia’s Rare Cancer Journey: Extramammary Paget’s Disease

Virginia’s Rare Cancer Journey: Extramammary Paget’s Disease

Even though I was not a stranger to chronic illness, cancer was a whole different ballgame.

It all started with some itching. I thought I had a rash that was transient, and I couldn’t make an appointment quick enough to catch it because it would be gone in a day or two. My 2023 well-woman visit finally lined up to a day I had the issue occurring. I mentioned to my gynecologist that I had felt some itching off and on for a few months, and that I was itching that day.

Extramammary Paget's Disease Research

Extramammary Paget's Disease Research

Extramammary Paget's Disease (EMPD) is a rare malignancy of the skin, primarily affecting the genital and perianal regions in older adults, often linked to underlying internal malignancies. Recent advancements in research emphasize improved diagnostic methods, including multiple biopsies and immunohistochemical markers like TRPS1, which aid in distinguishing EMPD from similar conditions. Evidence-based clinical guidelines recommend surgical resection, particularly Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS), as the preferred treatment due to its lower recurrence rates compared to wide local excision (WLE). Non-invasive EMPD may benefit from therapies like imiquimod, a topical immune response modifier, which has shown promise in achieving remission despite side effects such as fatigue and headaches. These developments underscore the importance of personalized treatment strategies and ongoing evaluation of patient outcomes to improve the management of EMPD.

Anatomic Location-Specific Screening for Adenocarcinoma in EMPD

Anatomic Location-Specific Screening for Adenocarcinoma in EMPD

The Extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD) was associated with underlying internal adenocarcinoma, known as secondary EMPD, though differences by an anatomic subtype and screening implications remained unclear.  

Researchers conducted a retrospective study to determine the rates of secondary EMPD and the types of adenocarcinomas associated with EMPD anatomic subtype and to propose a screening algorithm for underlying the adenocarcinoma.  

Investigators concluded that screening for underlying the adenocarcinoma in EMPD should be guided by an anatomic location.



70歲的黃伯伯近日發現下身位置出現一塊紅疹,本來不痕不痛,以為只是自己較少清洗這位置的皮膚所致,於是不太理會。但到一年後見紅疹慢慢變大,間中也有些痕癢,擔心可能演變成濕疹,才去求醫。醫生發現有懷疑,外觀上與一般皮膚發炎有異,於是為黃伯伯進行切皮化驗,才確診那是較罕見的乳房外佩吉特氏病(Extramammary Paget's disease),是一種罕見的癌症

Barry Humphries: Comic battled inoperable EMPD cancer for years

Barry Humphries: Comic battled inoperable EMPD cancer for years

Barry Humphries fought a secret battle with inoperable cancer for years before his death last week.

The Australian actor and comic, known for his alter ego Dame Edna Everage, died aged 89 on April 22 following complications from a recent hip replacement surgery.

“Close family sources” confirmed to the The Saturday Telegraph he had been diagnosed with Extramammary Paget’s disease, a rare form of skin cancer, in 2021 after noticing “something unusual” on one of his testicles when he was in the shower.

Review of Gender Disparities in Initial Treatment Approaches for Genital Extramammary Paget Disease in the US

Review of Gender Disparities in Initial Treatment Approaches for Genital Extramammary Paget Disease in the US

Genital extramammary Paget disease (gEMPD) is a rare skin cancer that affects the genital area. Surgery is the standard treatment for gEMPD. For a study, researchers sought to investigate whether the treatment and outcomes of gEMPD differ by sex and US region. The researchers found that women were more frequently offered total skinning procedures for gEMPD, while men were more frequently offered MMS.

EMPD Interdisciplinary Management Using MMS-CK7 Immunostains

EMPD Interdisciplinary Management Using MMS-CK7 Immunostains

For a study, researchers sought to assess the local recurrence rates and patient-reported outcomes when extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD) is treated with Mohs micrographic surgery with cytokeratin-7 immunostains (MMS-CK7).

In-depth internal malignancy screening, low local recurrence rates, and high patient satisfaction were all characteristics of interdisciplinary teams that successfully treat EMPD.

After noticing “something weird” in the shower, Barry Humphries (AKA Dame Edna Everage), was diagnosed with extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD).

After noticing “something weird” in the shower, Barry Humphries (AKA Dame Edna Everage), was diagnosed with extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD).

After noticing “something weird” in the shower, Barry Humphries was diagnosed with a rare malignancy.

After detecting something weird with his testicles in the shower, BARRY HUMPHRIES realized he had a rare form of skin cancer.

Barry Humphries, better known as Dame Edna Everage, has revealed that he was diagnosed with Paget’s Disease, a type of skin cancer. Following the finding, the Australian actor revealed that he had surgery.

Extra-mammary Paget’s disease survivor: Time matters

Extra-mammary Paget’s disease survivor: Time matters

In 2013, Sandy Fontan was a 53-year-old marathon runner in tip-top shape. She maintained a healthy diet and ran between 25 and 30 miles a week. Then, one day, she noticed a little bump on her anus. It didn’t hurt or bleed, so she thought it was a hemorrhoid. She watched it for more than a year before mentioning it to her gynecologist.

Today, Sandy wishes she’d mentioned it sooner. Because that little bump turned out to be something more serious: an extremely rare type of cancer called extra-mammary Paget’s disease, which usually appears on the skin of the breast.

On the Cusp of Extraordinary Advances in Extramammary Paget Disease

On the Cusp of Extraordinary Advances in Extramammary Paget Disease

I always include extramammary Paget disease (EMPD) and Bowen disease in my differential diagnosis of anogenital rashes for fear of missing them. It is good form to biopsy such lesions should they not respond to standard therapies for the more likely diagnoses in this region (tinea, Candida, seborrheic dermatitis, or psoriasis). Even with this prudent approach, I have diagnosed EMPD only a few times in four decades of practice.

A very strange and endlessly complicated organism

A very strange and endlessly complicated organism

Up until the late spring of 2019, I figured that for a relatively old codger, I was in pretty good health.

I took no medications, my blood pressure and weight were fine, I very seldom had a cold and hadn’t had the flu in many years.

But as an example of how one’s health can take an unexpected turn, I developed a groin rash (the crude term is “jock itch”) that defied the prescription cream that my doctor, Joseph Zeno, seemed to believe would cure the problem.

After some months of using this cream during which I also experienced a general feeling of malaise, Dr. Zeno said, “We have to get to the bottom of this… I’m going to send you to a dermatologist.”

胯下紅疹似濕疹拖一年求醫 50歲男患癌延醫脊椎被侵蝕

胯下紅疹似濕疹拖一年求醫 50歲男患癌延醫脊椎被侵蝕


胯下出疹羞求醫 一年後揭患癌

據台媒報道,當地一名年約50歲男子運動後出現胯下痕癢、破皮、紅疹等症狀,但由於患處位於生殖器附近,事主因不好意思求醫遂自行擦藥膏,1年後情況未見好轉,到醫院檢查始發現患上乳房外柏哲德氏病(Extramammary Paget's Disease),但因延誤治療,汗腺細胞已突變為癌細胞,並順淋巴擴散附在器官與骨頭上,影像檢查發現有3分1脊椎骨都被侵蝕。



‘Jock Itch’ Nearly Killed Me: A cancer patient’s odyssey to find health and support

‘Jock Itch’ Nearly Killed Me: A cancer patient’s odyssey to find health and support

It all started with a small purple pimple on my scrotum. I was pretty sure it was an ingrown hair, so it was easy to ignore. Then it turned into a dime-sized rash that looked and felt a lot like jock itch. I wasn’t overly concerned.

When I finally showed the rash to my family doctor, nine months later, she concurred with my self-diagnosis and suggested trying a different antifungal cream. When the rash didn’t go away I went back to my doctor and she invited one of her colleagues to also take a look. They both agreed it was jock itch but I just needed a stronger treatment. By this time the dime-sized rash had grown to the size of a quarter.

After a year, when the rash remained, I decided to ask my dermatologist to take a look. (As someone with a past history of malignant melanoma – diagnosed more than two decades ago – I visit a dermatologist annually.) The dermatologist continued down the same path of treating a fungal problem. On the second visit he decided I must have an allergic reaction from either shampoo, soap or fabric softener. After five more months of chasing the problem, I requested a biopsy.





李孟穗表示,很多皮膚病都會出現胯下癢的情形,可能是黴菌或細菌、病原蟲感染造成的,也可能因皮膚受到持續摩擦刺激,再加上衣褲包覆悶熱導致,包括:股癬、念珠菌感染、紅癬、疥瘡、陰蝨、濕疹、對磨疹或少見的乳房外柏杰氏病(Extramammary Paget’s disease, EMPD)等疾病。

Jangan Anggap Remeh Gatal-Gatal Di 5 Area Vital Laki-Laki Ini

Jangan Anggap Remeh Gatal-Gatal Di 5 Area Vital Laki-Laki Ini

Skrotum atau area kulit testis, atau lebih awam dikenal dengan istilah area buah zakar, kerap juga menjadi sasaran keluhan gatal pada area alat vital pria. Berikut beberapa pencetus keluhan gatal pada area buah zakar:

- Eksim: merupakan suatu penyakit kulit kronis yang ditandai dengan gatal, peradangan dan kemerahan pada kulit

- Extramammary Paget’s disease: merupakan suatu keganasan kulit pada kulit skrotum yang terlihat serupa dengan eksim.

Penting diketahui, karena kondisi gatal yang muncul pada area skrotum seringkali kronis (menahun) jangan menunda untuk melakukan pemeriksaan untuk pengobatan.

Jangan Sepelekan Gatal di Sekitar Kemaluan Pria!

Jangan Sepelekan Gatal di Sekitar Kemaluan Pria!

Skrotum atau area kulit testis, atau lebih awam dikenal dengan istilah area buah zakar, kerap juga menjadi sasaran keluhan gatal pada area alat vital pria. Berikut beberapa pencetus keluhan gatal pada area buah zakar:

  • Eksim: merupakan suatu penyakit kulit kronis yang ditandai dengan gatal, peradangan dan kemerahan pada kulit

  • Extramammary Paget’s disease: merupakan suatu keganasan kulit pada kulit skrotum yang terlihat serupa dengan eksim.

Penting diketahui, karena kondisi gatal yang muncul pada area skrotum seringkali kronis (menahun) jangan menunda untuk melakukan pemeriksaan untuk pengobatan.