Dermatology News

Il morbo di Paget extramammario

Il morbo di Paget extramammario

Il morbo di Paget extramammario è una neoplasia spesso non diagnosticata clinicamente e che deve essere conosciuta per poterla porre in diagnosi differenziale. Si tratta istologicamente di un carcinoma intraepidermico a differenziazione ghiandolare apocrina, di solito localizzato in aree ove sono presenti ghiandole sudoripare.

Extramammary Paget's Needs More Than Mohs

Extramammary Paget's Needs More Than Mohs

Extramammary Paget’s disease poses a particular challenge because of its multifocal/multicentric nature.

"What you see with extramammary Paget’s is not necessarily what you get," Dr. Theodore Rosen cautioned at the Hawaii Dermatology Seminar sponsored by Skin Disease Education Foundation (SDEF).

This is an uncommon neoplasia that’s typically described as an erythematous, erosive, itchy patch or plaque having a strawberries-and-cream appearance. Yet there may be other areas of subclinical involvement at a distance from the obvious lesion. 

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